How to Choose and take care of Plants: 5 useful advices


We show you below a series of fundamental ideas on how to care for plants, water them, the amount of light it should receive, what soil it needs, and endless tips so that your garden overflows with health and beauty.

In addition to the aesthetic values that plants can add to a home, they have many health benefits, and surrounding ourselves with living, breathing, green decor is incredibly beneficial to our bodies and minds.

How to choose a plant

When it comes to purchasing a plant, we cannot go to the florist and buy the first one we want. The first thing we must do, if we want the plant to be happy in our house, is to choose one that meets the appropriate conditions to live well.

You can’t bring a shade plant into a very hot place or you can’t put a sun plant in a windowless bathroom. So the best thing is to look around for a second and ask yourself: what kind of plant goes with my house? What kind of lighting do I have? Do I need a water plant or should I buy a cactus? All these questions are basic when it comes to seeing what kind of plants we are going to have.

Plants are like human beings and need things to live, but with the difference that they cannot give them themselves because they cannot move from one place to another, much less if we take them from the place where they are born to take them to another place .

When you go to buy it, talk to the person in charge of the store because if the plant looks nice and big it is because they know what care that specific plant needs and they will be able to tell you how to do it.

How to take care of plants

Having plants in the home is something that all women in the world love, but many of us cannot dedicate the time they need to them and in the end they end up dying.

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How to take care of plants
Well, this is a myth, we are going to explain better. A plant is not a baby, it does not need you to be attached to it all day watering it and putting water or talking to it so that it stays beautiful and strong.

What’s more, if you are willing to spend a little extra money on the plants in your home, you can buy the smart pots that are capable of watering your plant. And when the water runs out, notify you when it needs to be refilled again.

Although it is not scientifically proven, it is true that if you talk or sing to a plant it becomes more and more beautiful, the reason is not yet known, but what is known is that it really works. Here are some tips so you know how to care for plants.

Land for plants

The earth is the house of the plant and therefore, a house must provide the necessary things so that what lives in it can grow and be happy in the proper way.

Water is the conduit through which the food that is in the ground for the plant can reach it. Obviously, we never see a plant biting into the earth and the earth in the pot is not wasted either because the plant eats it. Rather, with the help of water, it “sucks” the minerals that are in the ground, turning them into food.

land for plants
It does this by means of little hairs that it has at its root.

The land that we put in the pot must be prepared in the proper way and with the necessary nutrients so that it can live well. As time goes by, this soil must be changed since the plant will exhaust all the minerals in it and it will begin to dry out.

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In addition, the pots must have an opening below so that excess water can escape, otherwise fungi can be generated that will kill the plant over time. Another thing that we must take into account are the gel balls that are bought in stores and swell with water. As the plant needs water, it will “suck” the water from those balls.

How to water a plant

Just like without light, a plant cannot live without water. In order for water to reach the internal areas of a plant, it must be carried to the plant through the hairs on its roots. We can say that these little hairs are the tongue of the plant, which collects all the nutrients that the soil has mixed with the water so that, in turn, it can be well hydrated and fed, and carry out the process of photosynthesis, essential for life. of vegetables.

How to water a plant
One of the main problems we have when it comes to watering a plant is not putting water on it, since this is a very easy process, but knowing how much water and how often to put it. How much water a plant takes depends on the type of plant it is, one of the best ways to see if we are going too far with water is to look at the leaves.

If we notice that the leaves are flaccid, then it is because they are lacking in water, therefore we must add water at fewer intervals of days, for example if we water it every three, add water every day and a half. If, on the other hand, we notice that the leaves are black or rotten, then it is due to excess water, which means if we water every three days, we should start doing it every 5 or 6 days.

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Also, you should keep in mind that the best time to water the plants is after 6 in the afternoon, since if you water them when it is still sunny or very hot, half of the water will evaporate. And if the plant is wet and gets the hot midday sun, it can burn it.

How much light should a plant receive?

If we stop to think a little about how plants use light, we will realize that for them, having light is like breathing for us, in fact, we breathe the oxygen that they make through photosynthesis, where the main ingredient is the light. Photosynthesis, a process in which the plant produces the nutrients it needs to live, is a chemical process in which two magical ingredients are needed: water and light, which is why neither of these two elements can be lacking.

How much light should a plant receive?
When we talk about light, we are not talking about placing the plant under a lamp or, on the contrary, putting it in broad daylight (from 12 am to 4 pm), since neither of these two things work, although both things be light. Rather, it refers to having a well-lit room with plenty of fresh air.

Many people think that if a plant is sunny, it should be placed in a window when the sun is strongest at noon and well… we also need the sun and that is why we do not go out to take it when it is worst and without any type of protection.

Place them inside the house but in a lighted place. If you suddenly start to notice that the plant grows much faster than normal or stretches to the sides in a “strange” way, it is probably because it must be looking for sunlight.

If you have a garden, try to locate them in a place where they do not receive direct midday sun.

Take a look at these ideas and tips:

Industrial style gardens

Modern gardens and patios

I am fond of design and repairs for the last 4 years. For this, I managed to learn a lot of nuances of repair, which I want to share here. I also love to create and make collections of ideas for inspiration.
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