Integrate the Office in the Living room: 25 Solutions and Ideas


To integrate the office in the living room I have prepared several solutions so that, whatever your living room or dining room is like, you can integrate your computer in the living room.

There are solutions for all sizes, styles and needs.

Let’s see them, I’m sure you will find a way to introduce your work area in your dining room.

We start:

To one side of the sofa

to one side of the sofa

Design and photography Sweet Harmonie

One of the easiest ways to integrate the computer in the living room is to take advantage of the gaps in the sides of the sofa. As long as you are clear.

Look at the sides of your sofa and see what you have. A floor lamp? A side table?

You can replace these elements with, for example, wall sconces for the floor lamp and coffee tables to remove the side table, and in the hole you have left, find a desk the size of the hole you have in order to integrate the office in your dining room.

Depending on the available size, you can put a larger desk than another, but today you have desks of all sizes, even wall-mounted, very small like these, to be able to put a desk there yes or yes.

to one side of the sofa

new photography

If you don’t have room on the floor to put a desk or office with its four legs to integrate the computer in the living room, but if you have room to put a chair, then you can take advantage of the walls to install the desk. Here you can see various wall desks>

to one side of the sofa

You don’t have to put it parallel to the sofa if it doesn’t fit.

As long as you have some gaps on the sides of the sofa, you can put it in any way.

Take a look at this office integrated into the living room that we see above these lines.

It has been installed perpendicular to the sofa because it fits better and offers more space to work, and the result is very good.

Try, try and try again. If you have room, you can fit a desk.

to one side of the sofa

If you do not have a gap on the sides of the sofa because the sofa is attached to one of the walls or a window, try changing the distribution, as long as space allows it.

In the living room with work area that we see above these lines, the sofa was separated from the window, and a practical hole was made to integrate the computer in the living room.

Obviously because there was space to move the sofa. So check the distribution of your furniture and maybe you will find space to put the office next to the sofa.

If you can’t next to it, maybe you can put it in front. Yes, ahead, look:

to one side of the sofa

Design and Photography Gathered

I know that it is not the ideal solution to put the desk between the sofa and the TV unit, but if it is done well, and a desk of the appropriate size is chosen, with a style that fits in with the aesthetics of the room, you can achieve a room with a lot of personality, and most importantly: Achieve a layout for a home office.

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Put the office behind the sofa

Put the office behind the sofa

IKEA Photography

As the sofa is the nerve center of a living room, if the sofa is located well, it is possible to obtain space in many cases to put the desk, either to the side as we have seen, even in front, or also behind the sofa, as we see in the room above these lines.

Put the office behind the sofa

Photography Mackenzie Schieck

You can put it next to the sofa, as if it were a console or push the sofa forward and separate it from the wall, as has been done in this other room, and obtain space for the office.

A reasonable measurement that has to be between the sofa and the television is about 2.5m to 3m. Approximately, since depending on the television these measurements may vary somewhat.

But the ideal measure is around 2.5 meters.

If you have the sofa against the wall because it seemed the most reasonable way to locate your sofa and the TV cabinet on the opposite wall and you are more than 2.5 meters away, you can probably separate the sofa from the wall and leave a hole to put the computer.

Put the office behind the sofa

Photography Andrea Sparacio

As we saw before with the desk located perpendicular to one side of the sofa, in this case, it can also be done but by placing it behind.

If you have windows with islands or projections and just in that area behind the sofa you gain a few centimeters, then it may be that separating the sofa from the wall a little, you can fit a desk to integrate the office in the living room or dining room.

Put the office behind the sofa

Design and photography City Chic Decor

And if you already have a decorative console or sideboard on the back of your sofa, which is often placed, you can change it for another console or other piece of furniture that is still decorative, but also serves as an office or desk to integrate the computer in the dining room.

Integrate the computer in the living room windows

Integrate the computer in the living room windows

The Honeycomb Home Project

In most houses, the surroundings of the windows are free of furniture. Basically because otherwise the light would not enter and we would not be able to access the window.

That said, if you have your windows clear of furniture, there’s room for a desk to work.

Integrate the computer in the living room windows

Perhaps you can integrate a folding wall desk like this one that we see above these lines that you can buy by clicking here >

Integrate the computer in the living room windows

As I was saying before, depending on the size you have next to or in front of the clear window, you can put one desk or another, but you have desks of all sizes at your disposal to find one that fits your space and your style, such as this beautiful desk from La Redoute that you can buy here >

Integrate the computer in the living room windows

Personalized project of EIN MAMËLL

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And if it is necessary to make a curved desk to integrate it into the architecture of your living room to take advantage of the space next to the windows, it is done.

Great remedies for great ills. Here the important thing is that you can integrate the computer in the living room.

Look for other gaps, however unthinkable they may be

Look for other gaps, however unthinkable they may be

M&M Modular Photography

Leaving aside the more traditional places to integrate the office in the living room or dining room, take a good look at the architecture of your living room.

As I was saying before, it doesn’t matter what space you have, since it can be converted into an office to put the computer thanks to the immense variety of desks that are available in all sizes.

Perhaps next to that pillar that gives you a headache, or behind that column that you hate and is in the middle of the room, next to the entrance door to the dining room, take a good look, and if you have a space, you just have to find the perfect desk.

Look at the image above. A simple but practical wall-mounted desk has been installed behind a mocheta, and the truth is that, in addition to having an office integrated into the living room, a decorative touch has been added that adds style to the entire space.

Look for other gaps, however unthinkable they may be

Do you have a corner or corner where you have the typical high shelf full of things that you have not opened or used for years?

An idea could be to remove that shelf that you don’t use, sell it on Wallapop and get some money and instead put a desk, which as I’ve been saying throughout the article, you will surely find for your space.

Look for other gaps, however unthinkable they may be

Vintage PhotographyInteriorXX

Next to the dresser. If you have a sideboard, you can do the same as with the sofa, look for gaps around it or create them to be able to integrate the computer area in the living room.

Not only with the sideboard, do the same with all the furniture you have, see if changing or moving any you get a hole.

Look for other gaps, however unthinkable they may be

Project and photography House Homemade

If you have a wall shelf, you can remove the bottom shelves and make room for a small desk.

It may take you a morning of DIY but you will manage to have an office in the living room.

And if you can’t modify your shelf because of its design or because you don’t want to, you can always replace it with one that has a desk at the bottom, like this model for example. And you will have a hole or a space similar to the one you see below:

Look for other gaps, however unthinkable they may be

Photography by Chris Love Julia | Instagram @chrislovejulia | Seen on Create and Barrel

A charming and practical desk to be able to telework as comfortably as possible.

Look for other gaps, however unthinkable they may be

Maybe this other wall desk will help you. It is small and does not occupy a hole in the floor, so as soon as you have space on the wall, you already have a desk. It is from Maisons du Monde and you can buy it by clicking here >

Look for other gaps, however unthinkable they may be

Do you have a closet? I imagine that you will have it full of things that you use and that it will be great for having storage space, but you can also use it as a desk and since it is such a good idea as another, I had to include it in this article.

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If you can redistribute what you have inside the closet to other storage areas, you will be able to create your own office.

Integrate the office under the stairs

Integrate the office under the stairs

Photography and IKEA furniture

It is one of the most obvious options when it comes to finding a space to put an office in the living room, because it is very good for taking advantage of that space under the stairs.

Although of course, for this you have to have stairs in the living room and not everyone has them. But if this is your case, there you have a wonderful space to put the office.

Integrate the office under the stairs

Then you can integrate it with the same materials or with custom-made furniture and you are left with a natural space, as if the stairwell was built specifically for your office in the living room.

Integrate the computer or office in the dining area

Integrate the computer or office in the dining area

I have several clients who tell me that they eat in the kitchen and that they have the dining table as an ornament, only to use it maybe, and just maybe, once a year.

If this is your case, if the same thing happens to you, you already know what you have to do to have an office integrated into the dining area.

Question of priorities.

Integrate the computer or office in the dining area

Design and photography Starfish Cottage

Another way to have a dining room with a work area is to use the dining room table directly as a work table.

Whether you use it daily or not, if it’s the only surface you have you should take advantage of it.

Try to work with minimal teams so that when it’s time to eat you just have to remove your laptop or computer from the dining room table, and leave the table clean to eat.

I know many people who use this method and once they get used to it, in less than 5 minutes they transform the desk into a dining table by clearing everything.

Create a floor plan

Create a floor plan

If you have enough space in your living room to put the office, to do it well, make a floor plan, which will help you get the most out of the space.

You do not need to use any program or application.

Take a pen and write down the measurements of your living room and that of the furniture and see playing and moving pieces until you find the distribution that best takes advantage of the space, so you will know how to distribute your living room to integrate an office in your home.

If you have not found a way to integrate the computer in the living room, here you can see another 40 ideas to put a home office , and here you can see 10 ideas to decorate a home office. And here 8 ideas to make a desk yourself.

I am fond of design and repairs for the last 4 years. For this, I managed to learn a lot of nuances of repair, which I want to share here. I also love to create and make collections of ideas for inspiration.
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