How to decorate and order an office: 30+ photo ideas


Working from home can be a double-edged sword. It sounds wonderful: at home, working in your pajamas, taking breaks whenever you feel like it. But in reality, it often turns into a situation where you find yourself working longer hours than in a real office.

There you are, laptop in hand, covered in Doritos dust, and enjoying the luxury of working on the couch, when you realize you need a proper workspace.

If you are one of those people who work at home or you simply have a spare room and you don’t know what to do with it, it’s time for you to set up a good office. We will give you some tips on how to decorate and order an office.

General tips for decorating an office

To have a good home office you must take into account several things that cannot be missing and others to take into account. For example, what colors do I use? Should I put a television? What should I put in front of the desk? There are many doubts that assail us but if you continue reading this post, you will solve some of them.

  • When setting up an office, the best color to do it is gray. In addition to being a very elegant color, according to feng shui it is the color of intelligence.
  • You must bear in mind that you will spend many hours sitting in the chair you choose, so do not skimp on this expense and try to make it as comfortable as possible.
  • You should not put televisions or any device that can distract you while you are working since in a normal office you would not have it either.
  • Keep in mind that your desk needs to be free of distractions, so the desk needs to be free of papers or books.
  • It is important to have a storage place for pens, important papers or books that you need. A shelf, drawers, boxes, cabinets, it all depends on the space you have and the money you want to spend.
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Modern and elegant offices

If you have enough design, modern desks, often modular, can be the solution. They can be adapted to the dimensions of the room and get the most out of it. We show you some images.

Modern and elegant offices
Modern and elegant offices
Modern and elegant offices
Modern and elegant offices
Modern and elegant offices
Modern and elegant offices

Decorate cheap and beautiful offices

Every day more people work from home, whether they do virtual work or take work after a day to finish it at home. The advantage of the internet allows you to send and receive everything you need, so that working at home is not only comfortable but also very practical. But not everyone takes advantage of decorating a home office, a space specially reserved for their tasks. With a little space you can have a nice space to work, study, or just check bills and correspondence. With little money and a lot of ingenuity, you can also achieve a nice and comfortable workspace. We show you some examples.

With desks or tables

The art of recycling is wonderful. With little money, you can buy used tables or desks and transform them into a beautiful office.

With desks or tables
With desks or tables
With desks or tables
With desks or tables
With desks or tables
With desks or tables
With desks or tables
With desks or tables
In this image that we present to you, we show you how you can take advantage of a practical idea to take advantage of a small space. If a small wall needs to be laid, today’s partition panels are as affordable as they are practical to use. Choose the basics, a small but comfortable desk, a chair that allows you to be comfortable while you work, a couple of shelves to place books and others to decorate, and a good pair of lamps.

With desks or tables

With boards

Here are some great examples showing great ways to integrate home and work in a beautiful and functional way. Not everyone wants to mix work and everyday life (some separation is fine). If you are working from home or starting a home business, it is good to have a clearly defined space, where you can put everything you use in that work. Sometimes some tables can achieve an excellent, comfortable and functional desk.

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Tables and trestles

Tables and trestles
Tables and trestles
Tables and trestles

Boards embedded in the wall

boards embedded in the wall
boards embedded in the wall
boards embedded in the wall
boards embedded in the wall

Colors for the office

Color helps generate emotions, inspires and encourages people. This is very important when working. The right color can give you what you are looking for in an office. Be it joy, inspiration or concentration. You must look for the color that you like the most and generate your indicated space. To help you, here are examples.

As we told you at the beginning of this article, the gray color, according to Feng Shui, is the color of intelligence, so it is a perfect color for an office.

colors for the office
colors for the office
colors for the office
You can keep your office monochromatic in a calm color like white. If you want to add some color, you can try bright colors in your work items.

colors for the office
colors for the office
It is important that you maintain a harmony in the colors. Adding a decorative element of several strong colors adds a lot of life. Keep the rest of the elements in neutral colors such as white or gray, they create order and a comfortable space to work.

colors for the office
colors for the office
Just by adding a piece of wallpaper, you can add a lot of color without too much effort. The light blue color looks very nice in an office.

colors for the office
colors for the office
colors for the office
Since the office is your space, try to choose the colors that you like the most, as long as they maintain harmony in the room. You can place prints that you like or photos, always without overloading.

I am fond of design and repairs for the last 4 years. For this, I managed to learn a lot of nuances of repair, which I want to share here. I also love to create and make collections of ideas for inspiration.
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