Do you want to know if your house follows the advice of Feng Shui? This Eastern philosophy is based on the search for happiness and well-being through the balance between the natural and the artificial, and for this, there are some guidelines to follow. Below, we will show a few ideas of Feng Shui in home decoration.
To the uninitiated, Feng Shui may seem a bit esoteric. But if you take the time to dig into the philosophy behind it, you’ll find that it’s not just based on simple, common-sense practices that make our homes healthier and more organized. It also reveals how connected we are to our homes and, in turn, how they can affect our mood and well-being.
The happiness of your home can be affected by the harmony of it, so do not underestimate the decoration. No matter the lifestyle or the decoration, a home in harmony is a happy home and Feng Shui in home decoration seeks harmony as the main factor of happiness. Seek happiness using the philosophy that most respects your way of living.
- The main door: the door of the house should never face another door, for example, with the one in the backyard, since the energy of a positive nature moves in and out again.
- Harmony: we must allow the energy to flow, in addition to the people, that is why the spaces must be lightly overloaded, with just the right furniture so that the space is open, since this avoids stress and aggressiveness.
- The bed: The headboard of the bed must be placed taking into account the date of birth of each person towards one orientation or another, according to Feng Shui, but in general, the north-south arrangement is the most appropriate, head to the north and feet in the south. We must avoid putting the headboard of the bed under a window, it should be against a wall.
- Mirrors: we should never place mirrors in front of the main entrance, but to one side, to prevent positive energy from bouncing off them and leaving our home.
Examples before and after
Here we show you Feng Shui in home decoration, based on rooms that bring us their photos before and after applying this decoration technique.
Example 1
Before: The owner of this room wanted to share his home with someone special.

Example 2
Before: A new couple plans to move in together, however, the place is not suitable. This is the working studio where adjustments are expected to prepare the place for a new life.

Example 3
Before: The couple in this room plan to trade the master bedroom for a space where the wife can work.

Example 4
Before: This is the living room of a family with children. Your children have grown up and need a room with an environment to sit as a family and talk.

Example 5
Before: This is an additional bedroom in the house of a couple, they will have their first child and want to use this bedroom for the baby room.

Mirrors in Feng Shui
When we talk about mirrors, we are talking about an element that is found in every home. Through them we perceive who we are or how we look on each occasion. The placement of mirrors in the house is very important, but not because of the room, but because of the things that it reflects and we can see.
They must be placed in such a way that what is in front is beautiful. By this we mean that we cannot place it in front of the garbage can or an ungraceful wall. Better, we can place it in front of a wall that overlooks the garden.

When we place a mirror, we must try to make it reflect our full body, since according to feng shui, seeing the body cut is something very bad for the subconscious.

Feng Shui in the office
For all Feng shui lovers, here are some tips on how to transfer this ancient technique to our office, such a tortuous and stressful place, to make it a little more harmonious and enjoyable.
One must try that the functionality of the furniture or the technology that is in the office, is oriented according to its need.
In the case of the printer, for example, is it necessary to have it on the desk? How much do I use it daily to put it in the most important place in my office? Enough?. Each article must be placed in the context of use and optimized according to personal subjective preference.

A primary rule is to make sure you are comfortable. Doing so will give you maximum productivity and a quiet environment to work throughout the day. This also means that if you have your rear facing anything other than a wall, some adjustment may be necessary.

Focus of attention
The aesthetic acceptance of the room is important, so that when one enters one is surprised, whether it is with a spectacular painting, or a large sofa, or a large and modern bookcase. But that achieves the visual impact on the person who arrives.

Rearrange furniture and decorations periodically
It is good every so often to reorient the office. It is good to do it at least once every three months to optimize the work environment for future projects. By changing the perspective of the office, you change the perspective of the person; it is as if the dynamics of the room spread to whoever occupies it.
One of the key rules of this Eastern philosophy is to maintain order, not to have more than is necessary, throw away what is left over and not needed. What is left, keep it looking good, both clean and tidy, periodically.