Easy to make recycled lamps: 5 step by step ideas


Undoubtedly, managing to decorate our house with recycled materials, without spending too much money, is one of the tasks that gives us the most personal satisfaction in decoration. There are countless ideas that can be done.

We will show you some lamps with recycled material, easy to make and that look fabulous.

Wall lamp with table

For those who want to generate indirect lighting in their bedrooms or want to have that accent lighting space on the walls, we will present here a DIY idea, really entertaining, very cheap and with good results.

wall lamp with table
The materials can be recycled, being the same flexible tube lights, wooden planks (veneered wood can be used if desired), small wooden plugs (to give a few centimeters of separation between the wood and the wall) and nail nails. support, to go placing the lights.

wall lamp with table
The first step will be to define what will be the surface that covers the wood on the wall, in order to place the support nails that will be used to grab the lights. These will be placed about 5 centimeters away from the edge of the wood, that is, delimiting a much smaller rectangle (on the surface) inside it.

wall lamp with table
Then we’ll position the lights so that they go around the entire perimeter of the smaller rectangle, thus ensuring even lighting everywhere.

wall lamp with table
Following this we will place the wooden blocks, always inside the small rectangle, as far as possible further inside than the lights, so that they do not cast a shadow outwards.

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wall lamp with table
Then you are ready to place the front planks. It is important to understand that the weight of regular wood is very high and probably not enough with nails and glue alone, so it is better to use plywood, which is much lighter.

wall lamp with table
Start from the bottom up with the boards, nailing the boards, or fastening them with screws, to the wooden studs.

wall lamp with table
Finally, the indirect lighting will be finished, ideal for a moment of relaxation in the bedroom.

Recycled knitted lamps

Wool knitted fabrics are a success this season in all possible areas of fashion, so much so that they have come to set a trend in interior decoration as well. That is why we present an ideal and simple proposal to take it home. It consists of making the screens for your lamps in these versatile knitted fabrics, a proposal that is very stylish, as you will see in the photos below.

Recycled knitted lamps
Recycled knitted lamps
Recycled knitted lamps
Recycled knitted lamps
Recycled knitted lamps
Recycled knitted lamps
As you will see, the proposals presented are really very simple, since we can use knitted coats that we no longer use. The good thing is that all skilled knitters will be able to start from this simple idea to get inspired and then they can easily customize their own lamps, opting if they wish for more complex and attractive knits.

Thanks to the versatility of which they are possessors, this idea can be taken to the lamps of all its spaces, although it should be noted that they are especially ideal in spaces decorated in a rustic way.

Recycled knitted lamps

Vintage candlestick

We show you an easy and economical way to create a chandelier to decorate our home. In this opportunity, we show you how to make a vintage-style candle holder, since it is a very popular trend that will never go out of style and is easy to combine with other decorations in our home. A great idea to create a dining room pendant light.

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Vintage candlestick
Vintage candlestick


  • Old pulley or bicycle wheel.
  • Candles.
  • Crystals to decorate (optional).
  • Lockable jars.
  • Wire.



First you must cut a long wire, of the measure that seems best to you. A good measure can be a meter and a half. Then you must tie each end of the wire on the pulley so that they are tied opposite each other, creating a balance.

Then, you start hanging the jars on the pulley using more wires. You can also help yourself with hooks. Hang the crystals so that the result is very decorative.

Lastly, you add the candles in the jars and you can add water in them to create floating candles.


Recycled chandelier

Here we present a very stylish DIY project. For this we will use some medallions (any pattern) of fine fabric, and a tall glass.

recycled chandelier
recycled chandelier
To start you will need a bunch of fabric medallions with a design the same or similar to the ones in the image. If you do it ten by ten, the work will be much lighter, it all depends on the size we want to cover.

recycled chandelier
In a cup, mix water with a little glue, and mix. Then we proceed to stick the medallions to the glass that we have chosen with a brush. The style can be free, although it is convenient to keep the borders of each medallion in line with the next. Then it is convenient to apply a layer of glue, with a brush, on top of the medallions.

recycled chandelier
recycled chandelier
recycled chandelier
recycled chandelier
Make sure the cola is dry before lighting the candle inside the glass.

recycled chandelier
recycled chandelier

I am fond of design and repairs for the last 4 years. For this, I managed to learn a lot of nuances of repair, which I want to share here. I also love to create and make collections of ideas for inspiration.
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