15 Best Colors that go well with Green walls


It is the favorite color of many people and, although it is not one of the easiest colors to combine, there are many colors that combine with green on walls and decoration, as we will see below .

It is born from the mixture of yellow and blue, it is a color that expresses freshness, life and, especially, nature, since it is one of the predominant colors in it.

Do you want to combine green to paint or decorate your house ?

Write down these 15 colors that combine with green: (Video and below the article with photos)

Green and white . A safe and successful combination

Green and white . A safe and successful combination

Photography Professional Tool

We start with the easy, the safe. White combines wonderfully with green .

In fact, it goes well with white with any color, but there are some that suit it better, and one of them is green.

The green you see above these lines is Bruguer’s natural green, which you can buy here.

It doesn’t matter what shade we combine it in, white and green are always a hit. Create fresh and bright spaces.

The lighter or softer the green, the fresher and brighter the space will be painted and decorated with it.

Let’s see another color:

Green and gray, another safe combination for green

Green and gray, another safe combination for green
Let’s keep it simple for now. Gray is the neutral color par excellence or also called anticolor, according to some masters of architecture and design; That is why it combines so well with green.

Green and gray create spaces full of life, thanks to the color green , but also with a sophisticated and contemporary touch thanks to the always elegant grey.

You can also see 20 bedrooms painted in green tones, current and stylish

Green and orange, a safe but powerful combination

Green and orange, a safe but powerful combination

Inside the Grove Photography

Orange is born from red and yellow, two colors that combine great with green.

So orange is another color that we can use, if we like, to create a color palette together with green .

Of course, better in small doses, since they are two powerful colors, and the result of combining a lot of green and a lot of orange… Well, it can be excessive.

So try to apply at least one of the two colors only in small doses.

For example, if you have the walls of the living room painted orange, put some green cushions, if you like the combination of green and orange, and thus add a green tint but without excesses.

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Let’s see another color that combines with green:

Green and turquoise, a very attractive combination

Green and turquoise, a very attractive combination
They are two colors that are in the cold part of the chromatic circle, both green and turquoise, since it is born from blue and green, so, naturally, they are colors that combine with each other.

Of course, with care, since an entire space decorated with these two colors can saturate.

As was the case with green and orange, in this case it is also better to add one of the two, or both in small doses.

For example, paint all the walls in the living room light gray, and then add cushions and decorative elements in green and turquoise.

Here you can see more colors that best combine with turquoise.

Let’s keep going:

Green and pink, a perfect combination

Green and pink, a perfect combination

Photography Harrison Nate and Me

Actually, green pairs well with red as it is its complementary color ; therefore, all variants of red, such as pink, are great allies for green and its many tonal variations.

In the image above these lines we have a clear example of how well green combines with pink on walls and decoration.

The bedroom walls have been painted a dark carriage-like green, and pink accents have been aptly added. And the result is very good.

You can also see the colors that best combine with pink.

Let’s move on to the next color that goes with green:

Green and brown, a combination that evokes nature

Green and brown, a combination that evokes nature

Photography DepositPhotos

Brown, along with green, is another of the colors that we can find, especially, in nature.

Trunks, branches, earth…, that is why it combines so well with green .

The spaces decorated with these two colors evoke memories of nature, in addition to transmitting a sense of tranquility, since brown is a serene color, as well as elegant.

Although it is a brown as dark as the one we see above, it works with green.

Naturally, the lighter the colors, both green and brown, the more serene and relaxing the space painted and decorated with these two colors will be.

You can also see here 10 colors that combine with brown.

Green and red, a successful but explosive combination

Green and red, a successful but explosive combination

Photography DepositPhotos

In this other image, the one above, we see a green combined with a red color , and the result, how could it be otherwise since green and red are analogous, is good.

In this combination, it is convenient to add one of them in small doses, so as not to burden the space that we decorate with these two colors.

It is the same that happens with orange or turquoise, but with red it is even more accentuated, since it is one of the most aggressive colors on the chromatic circle.

So, even if they combine green and red well, be very careful when combining them.

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You can also see other colors that combine with red.

Green and blue, the freshest and most relaxing combination

Green and blue, the freshest and most relaxing combination

Jean Porsche space for Westwing at Casa Decor 2017

They are two analogous or harmonic colors . That is, they are close together on the color wheel . These two colors are a true combination success, creating fresh and very relaxing spaces, since the two colors belong to the cold part of the chromatic circle.

Although this means that, naturally, they are not at all warm colors.

So if your intention is to have a living room or bedroom with a warm and welcoming character, it is better not to use these colors together.

Or if you decide to do it because you love them, then add warm colors such as beige, earth tones or browns, to give the warmth that this color combination of green and blue lacks.

Here you can see colors that combine with blue.

Now let’s move on to another color that combines with green, and does it very well:

Green and beige, a balanced combination

Green and beige, a balanced combination

Photography The Furniture

Beige is an earthy color, warm and very soft, so it is natural, it combines wonderfully with green. On this occasion, beige gives green all the warmth that it does not have.

If you are looking for a beige as beautiful as the one in the photo, the Bruguer Nepal Nuance of Beige that you can buy here interests you. It is a very bright, warm and welcoming beige.

If you have read this far, you will have already realized that green is a cold color, so when combined with a warm tone such as beige, a harmonious color palette is usually created, since each one contributes to the another what is missing.

And if you like beige, here you can see the colors that combine with beige.

Green and purple, they combine but are aggressive

Green and purple, they combine but are aggressive

Two Little Drakes Photography

Purple is a color that is born from red (and blue) and, as we have seen before, red, being complementary to green, usually combines quite well. For this reason, purple colors and their variations are good options to combine with green.

But, as you can imagine, purple is a very powerful color, so, although they combine well, they usually result in an environment with a lot of personality, aggressive in many cases.

So if you want to combine them, do it in a subtle way, with accents, better than painting walls in one color or another.

And if you like purple and want to combine it with a color other than green, here you can see the colors that best combine with purple.

Let’s keep going.

Green and black, a safe but dramatic combination

Green and black, a safe but dramatic combination

Photography DepositPhotos

Black is another color that, along with white and gray, is easy to combine as it admits many or practically all colors, since black is a neutral color. Well, it’s not even a color, but to keep things simple, we’re going to label it neutral. That is, it combines with absolutely all other colors.

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If you dare to decorate or paint your house with green and black, be careful not to add a lot of black, as it is a color that brings a lot of drama to the scenes.

Let’s look at the next color that goes with green:

Green and yellow, a very refreshing and cheerful combination

Green and yellow, a very refreshing and cheerful combination
Yellow is another color analogous to green , so it is a color that will always combine with it.

In addition, yellow is also a warm color, so it combines very well with green because it gives it the warmth that greenish tones lack.

The result of the combination of these colors, if done well, is a refreshing, lively environment, with energy and personality.

Do not hesitate to combine green and yellow if you like them.

Of course, like most, try to do it in small doses, at least one of the two colors.

Let’s continue with more colors that combine with green:

Green and other shades of green, monochrome palette

Green and other shades of green, monochrome palette

Thrifty Decor Chick Photography

We can also combine green with any of the many other shades of green that exist, to achieve a monochromatic palette, always successful.

This upstairs bedroom features an intense, beautiful leaf green on its wall, and on the bed spread, cushions and pillows, we see other shades of green that, naturally, combine perfectly.

Thus, another of the colors that combine with green is green itself , in its many different shades.

Although it is a safe bet, you have to be careful when carrying it out, because if you do not choose the shades of green well, you can create a very ornate space. Well combined, because the colors match, but ornate.

So go for a soft shade of green for most of the space, and then add shades of other, stronger shades of green for accents and complements.

You can also see these colors that combine with pistachio green.

Green and wood and natural fibers, guaranteed warmth

Green and wood and natural fibers, guaranteed warmth

Photography The Sun of Pets

Green is a color that is born from nature, as we have been seeing throughout this article.

We see it in plants and leaves, in fields, trees and other vegetation.

Thus, although it is not a color per se, but a material, green with wood and vegetable fibers such as rattan, wicker, etc., combines perfectly , since all these elements are of a natural nature, and they fit together. to perfection.

Well, you already have 15 colors with which to combine green to paint or decorate your house. Have you already found one that you liked?

If this is not the case or you have any questions, leave a comment and I will be happy to answer you. And if you think that this guide to colors that combine with green may interest a friend or family member, share the article. Thank you!

I am fond of design and repairs for the last 4 years. For this, I managed to learn a lot of nuances of repair, which I want to share here. I also love to create and make collections of ideas for inspiration.
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