25 Anti-Mosquito Plants to drive away annoying bugs

The battle against summer bites is about to begin. We tell you which are the species with repellent properties that, in addition, will add a special aroma and a natural touch to your home.

With the arrival of summer and the rise in temperatures, we all begin to enjoy the outdoors more… And like us, those flying insects so typical of summer nights that appear to keep us awake at night. Mosquitoes live their high season during the summer, especially in wetland areas (near rivers, reservoirs, lakes, etc). And if you have a garden you will know what we are talking about. In other articles we have reviewed tricks to avoid mosquitoes in the garden, but today we have compiled beautiful plants that you can put in your garden and that will help you in the battle against mosquitoes.

Beyond electrical solutions and chemical repellents that leave us smelling of an intense perfume throughout the day, there are other homemade solutions to kill mosquitoes at home, which you can use in case of extreme desperation.

The aromatic plants will work as a perfect repellent as well as a natural air freshener. Placed on the windowsill of the bedrooms it can be a good barrier to prevent the entry of these annoying winged enemies. The people who are more attractive, have a harder time escaping. As well as pregnant women, whose bloodstream is really appetizing for summer mosquitoes. We recommend all of them to have solutions such as a center of lemons full of cloves next to the bed, on the sofa or on the terraces. The smell of this spice acts as a natural repellent and they say that it is the most effective of all.

With clove you can also make another infusion that is unpleasant for them and is effective for us: mix baby shampoo in 1 liter of water and about 30 units of scented clove. You can apply the mixture to your skin to replace dermatological chemical repellents.

And as if that were not enough, you can also go to others such as eucalyptus, something that mosquitoes hate. To do this, mix about 250 grams of eucalyptus leaves in 1 liter of water. Boil for about half an hour and when it is still hot, pour the mixture into a vaporizer to spray the most critical areas of the house where they tend to nest: door and window frames. You can make the same mixture in water using other ingredients such as chamomile, in this case, to apply to the skin or lavender, with which you will also have an extra delicious smell.

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On the terrace, some citronella candles will do no more for those nights when they want to prevent you from calm at all costs.

Mosquitoes flee from the sun and take refuge in the shade, so if your lawn is long and neglected, they will see it as an invitation. The same happens with the bushes, cut them back to their ideal height, especially those that are close to the rest areas. This way you will keep your garden in perfect condition and there will be no room for mosquitoes.

1 Sage

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

It is an outdoor plant that is always elegant due to its purple or bluish tones. These elegant flower pots are very decorative and very similar to lavender. One of the plants with the most anti-mosquito power.

2 Chinese Carnation

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

One of the easiest summer flowering plants to maintain. You can have them in pots or planters, so it is one of the best bets to place on terraces and balconies. They withstand the sun well and their flowers last practically all summer. Its smell, although we do not perceive it, is unbearable for insects.

3 Lemon tree

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

A fruit tree that will look great in your garden. Lately you can also find it in pots to be able to put it inside the house or on the porch or terrace.

4 Basil

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

In addition to being an exceptional aromatic species in the kitchen, basil is also ideal as a mosquito repellent. Their care is very simple and they become an ideal plant for balconies in the summer.

5 Eucalyptuses

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

You can also make eucalyptus spray. Not only will it last a long time, but you can store it in the closet and pull it out whenever you need it. Way to go!

What do you need:
– Distilled water
– Eucalyptus oil
– A sprig of eucalyptus
– A plastic spray bottle

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Mix all the ingredients in the bottle, and add the sprig of eucalyptus.

6 Hyssop

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

Hyssop is a medicinal plant with many properties and many applications in aromatherapy. A rustic plant from Mediterranean climates that hardly needs care and is as beautiful as lavender, ideal to have in window boxes to create an anti-mosquito barrier.

7 Feverfew (chamomile)

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

It is perfect for repelling mosquitoes. When grown in conjunction with citronella and lavender, its effects are even better. Plant it at the entrances of your house, and near the windows and doors.

8 Thyme

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

Another of the aromatic herbs that we usually have in the kitchen has a high repellent power against mosquitoes.

9 Rue

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

Rue is a plant with great anti-mosquito power and medicinal properties. You can have it in pots or planted in the garden. It can become a bush and has delicate yellow flowers.

10 Lavender

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

This beautiful plant, in addition to being decorative, colorful and aromatic, is perfect for repelling mosquitoes. In the closet, it prevents the attack of moths and protects clothes and is an effective protector against flies. In addition, among other properties, it calms and regenerates the skin and reduces inflammation of wounds.

11 Coriander

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

Diabetics benefit from the consumption of coriander because it is very effective in lowering the amount of sugar in the blood. It fights inflammation and aging caused by free radicals, thus protecting the skin, and could have anticancer and neuron-protecting effects against Alzheimer’s. Coriander is consumed in leaves —perfect for purées, salads and pasta accompaniments—, in seeds —stews or stews— and in oil, which is used to speed up digestion.

12 Mint

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

It is not only an ideal aromatic plant. In addition to its therapeutic uses (especially at the stomach level), mint is antiseptic and has been used since time immemorial to ward off parasites and insects, such as aphids and ants.

13 Calendulas

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

Although the power of these aromatic plants is not 100% effective, it has been shown that gardens help repel certain types of very harmful insect species in summer. With calendula you will help prevent nematode plagues, small worms that rot the roots of plants. It is also a great ally against whitefly.

14 Tagete

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

This plant is a real discovery and a great ally in urban gardens. They help prevent black aphid plagues, attracting ladybugs with their aroma, which are the ones that end up with this fearsome insect that ends up with the crop. It is also a great insecticide against nematodes.

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15 Melissa

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

Lemon balm not only has incredible therapeutic properties (lithological, choleretic, calming, anti-inflammatory…), but it is also a perfect insect-repellent species to have in your garden. It prevents plagues of aphids, mosquitoes, whiteflies and ants.

16 Catnip or cat grass

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

Studies in the United States certify that this plant is 10 times more effective than chemical repellents.

17 Jasmine

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

It is a pleasure a space in which a jasmine is close. Not only is the smell relaxing and appetizing as the perfect natural air freshener, but this species repels annoying summer mosquitoes. Place a few flowers in the bedroom and you will sleep peacefully.

18 Citronella

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

Citronella is one of the species most used as a natural mosquito repellent. The fragrance it gives off repels them effectively. Thanks to its high insecticidal power, uses with this plant have become widespread and citronella-based oils and candles are summer favourites. Mixing citronella essential oil with other coconut or olive-based oils and applying it directly to the skin (in the areas most prone to bites) are good solutions for those who suffer the most from these annoying attacks.

19 Rosemary

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

Several studies support the anti-mosquito power of this aromatic plant.

20 Ageratus

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

Be careful when handling it, wear gloves, its leaves and flowers can be irritating to the skin and eyes. But without a doubt it is one of the best plants to repel mosquitoes from your garden.

21 Catnip or cat grass

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

Studies in the United States certify that this plant is 10 times more effective than chemical repellents.

22 Lemon Geranium

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

It is also a plant that is very resistant to the sun and requires little watering, so it is perfect to put in pots or in your garden during the summer.

23 Lemongrass

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

There are multiple benefits of this aromatic plant. It gives off a lemony scent that will prevent mosquitoes from approaching.

24 Garlic

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

The plant already emits the typical aroma of garlic, so it may not be a good idea to put it in pots inside the house, but if you plant a few cloves of garlic on the edges of your garden you will create an anti-mosquito barrier.

25 laurel

25 anti-mosquito plants to drive away annoying bugs

Due to its aroma it is also considered one of the mosquito repellent plants.

I am fond of design and repairs for the last 4 years. For this, I managed to learn a lot of nuances of repair, which I want to share here. I also love to create and make collections of ideas for inspiration.
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