12 Best Indoor plants that are Very Easy to Care for

The most resistant plants that do not need intensive care or constant attention.

One of the most beautiful hobbies to practice at home is gardening. Starting in this world is a wonderful experience, but it can be frustrating when, unfortunately, you don’t see good results. But don’t worry, it’s happened to all of us at some point…

So that you have a more complete vision about the different types of easy-care indoor plants, we show you some infallible tips that are really useful.

Location and lighting

The situation of indoor plants is key. You need to identify the microclimates that your house has, but, of course, the temperature and humidity conditions in the living room or those in the kitchen are never the same. According to Feng Shui, aromatic plants are the most appropriate. Therefore, learn how to decorate your bathroom with indoor plants or to beautify the corners of your house with a beautiful colorful plant.

The light can be direct, indirect, low or artificial and completely conditions the growth of indoor plants. They all need to photosynthesize and look for the light that suits them. Sometimes it has to be direct and intense, so the plants will have to be placed in windows facing south. However, there are also indoor plants that need little light.

When the plants demand shade, their development benefits if you place them on windows or balconies that face north. When the light comes from the east or west, the perfect conditions are created for plants that need moderate sunlight. These precepts are just the other way around if you live in the southern hemisphere. These are good recommendations to have strong and healthy indoor plants.

Substrate and fertilization

Do you know what type of soil to choose to have beautiful indoor plants? There is a great variety, with different compositions, although the universal substrates are suitable for 90% of the varieties. If you need a specific substrate, you will see that they are complemented with peat, fertilizers or clays to improve the growth of flowering plants, fruit trees, vegetables, bonsai or rose bushes. Organic elements and some chemicals improve root performance.

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There is no doubt that, for the care of your plants, a good fertilizer is the best ally for the nutrients to help in the health of beautiful indoor plants. There are organic fertilizers and other more specific ones for, for example, more delicate plants such as hydrangeas, which need a lot of care to enjoy their flowers.

Irrigation, a fundamental process

The need for water is different for each species. Cacti or succulents are watered once a week during the summer, while in winter once a month. Plants demand a lot of water, so the frequency speeds up, especially during flowering.

When we care for bulbous plants or plants with tuberous roots, we must use the watering can once every ten days during the winter season. In summer, it should be increased every fifteen days. Nowadays, there is a very interesting solution to get the best indoor plants: self-watering pots.

Planters and trellising

Size always matters when talking about the plants we have at home. If you have a palm tree in the living room, keep in mind that it can reach two meters in height, just as if you have large plants. This implies that we use large pots with 60 cm. As for the material, you will have to choose clay, wood, ceramic or plastic.

On the other hand, it is worth talking about the tutoring. It is a technique to guide the growth of stems. It affects large plants that usually need supports to support the branches in a pot, all in a very simple and economical way: you will only need a bamboo branch and flanges.

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1 Aglaonema

Planters and trellising

It is a very elegant plant and very easy to care for, almost indestructible, except when it receives direct sunlight. It is capable of growing even in artificial light. Aglaonema is the enemy of air conditioning and drafts, however it has the ability to purify the air. It has very dense foliage and its leaves create very attractive patterns. eye! because it is toxic to children and pets.

2 Tradescantia zebrina

Planters and trellising

Tradescantia zebrina has a luminous purple color to the leaves, indicating new growth on the plant. It is a perfect variety for shelves or hanging pots, as long as the soil is kept moist, because if it dries out the roots can die. You can group all the indoor plants in one place and use a tray with water or install a humidifier to keep them healthy. Ideas to hang indoor plants in pots.

3 Dracaena

Planters and trellising

It is bright and with a unique architecture that fills any room with life. This large plant and its great height is deceiving, because it needs little water and is only watered when the substrate is completely dry. The ideal temperature for its development are warm environments, between 20ºC and 25ºC, and rooms flooded with natural light.

4 Philodendron

Planters and trellising

It is a climbing plant that is very easy to care for, so it is very appreciated by gardening beginners. It withstands heating very well and has a fast growth, so it is a perfect plant for hanging pots in the bedroom or bathroom. Moderate irrigation includes good drainage and keeping the substrate moist.

5 Zamioculcas zamiifolia

Planters and trellising

It grows in inhospitable places for other species, it hardly suffers from pests, it grows with little light and lack of water. The ZZ plant is perfect for dummies, because the showiness of its zigzag leaves multiplies its ornamental value. It is a perfect indoor plant for the office.

6 Aloe Vera

Planters and trellising

One of the plants that are at the top of simplicity is aloe vera. It only needs light (although it also adapts to the shade) and very little water from time to time. Learn all the care, characteristics and irrigation of aloe vera.

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7 Sanseviera

Planters and trellising

This plant, also known as mother-in-law’s tongue or tiger’s tongue, is especially recommended for those who are forgetful, since it does not suffer if you take too long to water it.

8 Potho

Planters and trellising

The poto, another resistance champion! In addition to being super pretty, it only needs indirect light, and whether you spend too much watering or not, don’t panic, because it tolerates drought and humidity in the same way (but don’t overdo it with water). Potho is one of the indoor plants that help you sleep better.

9 Ribbon

Planters and trellising

Aesthetically it resembles a spider, but in addition to being extremely striking, this plant adapts to all kinds of situations. It is a traditional plant in all our houses and is key to providing well-being and decorating, along with other plants and flowers.

10 Chef

Planters and trellising

These leaves sound familiar to you, right? You have probably seen the cheflera in a lot of places, such as in stores or offices, because in addition to having an undeniable presence, this plant is very easy to care for, it only needs light and regular watering. More information on the most resistant plants for the house.

11 Peace lily

Planters and trellising

Beautiful on the outside, and easy to maintain on the inside! This plant with white flowers is ideal for humid environments with low light, so if you still don’t have any decorating your bathroom, now you know! Everything you need to know to take good care of the peace lily or peace lily.

12 Aspidistra

Planters and trellising

Another extremely elegant plant ! It is perfect for dark, dry environments, and even with changing or cool temperatures. Take care of excess watering and lack of nutrients so that the leaves do not turn yellow.

I am fond of design and repairs for the last 4 years. For this, I managed to learn a lot of nuances of repair, which I want to share here. I also love to create and make collections of ideas for inspiration.
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