25 Most Sun Tolerant Plants for your summer garden

Find out what plants and flowers you can put in your garden this summer.

There are multiple options to give a touch of color to the house, such as the choice of beautiful large pots for your plants, but if you want to make a small chromatic paradise, we recommend that you choose flowering plants, the best way to fill the home with life. In this way, a more colorful and fresh appearance is achieved, without forgetting that they are a natural component that help enhance the external image of the home. That’s why we want to show you 12 sun-resistant plants for summer, you’re going to love them!

During the cold months we usually focus on interior decoration, taking into account that we do not use outdoor spaces as much. However, it is in the summer when we have the opportunity to embellish the entire outfit so that it is much more flowery and elegant. After all, it is a way to decorate the house with a more sophisticated touch.

Add color to your garden with flowering plants

Some species can be really interesting if we want to give a little color to the house. Before making the choice, it is convenient to know which plants are resistant to the sun and heat. In summer there are certain times of the day when the temperature rises a lot and the sun shines brightly.

For decoration, planters work very well. In them the different species can be arranged separately. Ultimately, it is a way of boosting the aesthetics of the terrace. However, there is also the possibility of planting in the garden soil and creating a much more homey and spring environment. A very subtle way to brighten our eyes every day!

Choose the most colorful plants

There are very attractive species, both for color and format. Warm colors are very recurrent, such as reddish or pink. They can be found in flowers such as the dahlia, in order to sweeten the environment. In the event that you prefer a purer and more conventional white, the white daisy can be a good option. Other species, such as the carnation, give an alternative purple touch, simple and cordial; Similarly, the Guinean joy, with a pale red hue, also draws a lot of attention.

We invite you to take a look at these 12 plants so you can choose the ones that best suit your garden. The variety is very wide and they will require special care; therefore, let yourself be carried away by the senses and choose the ones that you like the most.

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1 Snapdragon

Choose the most colorful plants

They are perennial plants, which include dwarf species of 15 or 20 cm; medium, between 40 and 75 cm, and tall, reaching 120 cm. It blooms from spring to autumn, best in temperate climates, although it adapts well to sunny areas.

2 Wallflower flower

Choose the most colorful plants

The Wallflower was one of the most appreciated flowers during the Arab reigns in the peninsula, in fact, its name comes from the Hispanic Arabic al-jayrí, which in turn comes from the classical Arabic hiri and whose meaning is “the best”.

3 Hibiscus

Choose the most colorful plants

The hibiscus, from the malvaceae family, is a plant from Asia and with more than 220 different varieties. It is distinguished by the beauty of its flowers which, depending on the variety, can be single or double. They are trumpet-shaped, with five red petals most of the time, although they can also be white, pink, purple or yellow. Discover all the hibiscus care.

4 Bamboo

Choose the most colorful plants

Bamboo is a tropical plant of oriental origin, it belongs to the Poaceae family, it grows very fast and there are countless varieties. It does very well both indoors and outdoors.

5 Canna or Indian Cane

Choose the most colorful plants

The Caña de Indias is one of the most spectacular flowering plants that you can put in the garden. They are perennial plants and will be blooming all year round, as long as you live in warm or temperate climates.

6 Bougainvillea

Choose the most colorful plants

Bougainvillea is a climbing shrub, which depending on the climate where it is grown can be deciduous or perennial. Its leaves are arranged alternately along the stem with small white flowers, alone or in groups of three, surrounded by 3 or 6 spectacularly colored bracts: magenta, red or yellow.

7 Guinean Joy

Choose the most colorful plants

This species is usually treated as an annual (every year, it sheds). It needs to be located in a bright place (be careful with direct light) so that it blooms throughout the summer. It does not support the cold well at all and with frost its growth will be reduced. For maintenance, spray from time to time on warmer days and keep dry on humid days.

It reproduces by seed and cuttings at the beginning of spring and needs abundant watering, but always taking care that the roots do not remain in water or they will rot. Pay it every 15 days.

8 Tulip

Choose the most colorful plants

The tulip, originally from Central Asia, did not reach Europe until the 16th century through Turkey. But although this is its real origin, Holland is the country with the highest production of these flowers.

9 Jasmine

Choose the most colorful plants

Jasmine is one of the most beautiful and aromatic plants that you can put in your garden. Its small white flowers, in addition to being very decorative, emit an intoxicating aroma.

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10 Calendula

Choose the most colorful plants

Known as buttercup, calendula ( Calendula officinalis) is native to the Mediterranean area and Asia. It is an annual plant with intense green, oval-shaped leaves and large, yellow and orange flowers that bloom between the months of June and November.

11 Asters

Choose the most colorful plants

It is the perfect summer plant. Fill any place with color as long as it has abundant watering and a sunny location. It needs a fertile and well-drained soil, it is planted in spring and needs frequent watering without flooding.

12 Gladioli

Choose the most colorful plants

The gladiolus is a perennial bulb in the Iridaceae family. Its origin is found in the warm areas of southern Africa and Europe, as well as the Middle East. There are numerous native species and it has the ability to grow spontaneously in nature itself.

13 Carnation

Choose the most colorful plants

This plant is capable of growing in cold areas if it is protected, although it prefers warmer climates. His place, a good bright and sunny location. Its wonderful reddish flowers will brighten up your garden in summer. Water moderately and pay every 15 days to provide it with the nutrients it needs. To avoid pests, remove wilted flowers that attract insects.

14 Geranium

Choose the most colorful plants

One of the most resistant varieties that can exist. They bloom quickly and bring wonderful color to any corner. Its maximum flowering period is established from April to November and it loves places in full sun. For optimal growth, cover it with a special mulch for this plant and mix it with garden soil. On the hottest days, watering is necessary almost daily.

15 Gerberas

Choose the most colorful plants

It is an ornamental plant belonging to the Asteraceae family, from southern Africa. It includes 150 species, of perennial origin, that differ in size, shape and color.

16 Dahlia

Choose the most colorful plants

This curious species has more than two thousand varieties depending on the flower. Thus, you have multiple options to fill your terrace or garden with them, as long as they receive a good amount of light. It reproduces through bulbs and the best time to grow it is spring (when there are hardly any frosts, so damaging to this flower).

It should be located in a sunny place but without receiving it directly, away from drafts and it needs to always keep the soil moist for optimal growth. For the plant to grow more vigorously, remove dry leaves whenever they come out.

17 Ivy Geranium

Choose the most colorful plants

It is one of the most popular and desired geranium varieties. It is also known as gypsy and its maximum flowering period is spring-summer, so bright and sunny places are its favourites. For optimal growth, water a couple of times a week and pay every 15 days with a fertilizer for flowering plants. They are very resistant and their hanging bearing will embellish any outdoor corner.

18 White daisy

Choose the most colorful plants

This wonderful species brings a lot of joy anywhere. It is very resistant and needs little maintenance. At the beginning of its plantation it will require a more abundant irrigation. After and during the summer, two to three times a week and once every 15 days in winter. They love the sun and for it to grow without problems, it must have good drainage in the pot, as this plant suffocates with stagnant water.

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19 Million Bells

Choose the most colorful plants

It is a variety of petunia (calibrachoas). Its small flowers form precious little bells to decorate a terrace or a balcony in full sun. Do not let the substrate dry out and pay it every week or 15 days. To stimulate the growth of new flowers, cut off faded ones often.

20 Thought

Choose the most colorful plants

It is a very appreciated species to decorate gardens for its great color and resistance to the weather. You will see it in numerous gardens and roundabouts in the middle of the city. To keep it in your house, locate it in full sun, plant it in a soil rich in nutrients (it will grow with more flowers) and keep it always moist without flooding it.

21 Lavender

Choose the most colorful plants

From the Lamiaceae family, lavender is a perennial shrub that grows wild throughout the Mediterranean area, reaching a height of one and a half meters.

22 Petunias

Choose the most colorful plants

They are a perfect species to locate in full sun, deciduous and need a soil with good drainage. In winter, it needs a closed place to avoid frost. During the summer, it is necessary that the substrate does not lack moisture. In this way, it will produce an enormous amount of flowers.

23 Surfinia

Choose the most colorful plants

This plant is the hanging version of the petunia. It grows very quickly and has a very abundant flowering. It brings a lot of color to outdoor corners. To do this, it must always be exposed to full sun, water it abundantly in summer without flooding, keep its soil well drained and pay every two weeks with a specific fertilizer for flowering plants.

24 Purple

Choose the most colorful plants

The tricolor viola is a variety of pansy. It is a biennial plant that resists winter quite well. Locate it in a place with a lot of light (although it also adapts very well to semi-shade), keep its soil well drained for abundant watering (every 2 or 3 days when it is in bloom) and fertilize with new soil and fertilizer for plants with flower in early fall.

You are interested in:

– Hydrangeas: how to take care of them and enjoy their flowers
– Tricks to recover, maintain and plant ferns
– The hibiscus: meet one of the most beautiful flowering shrubs for your garden

25 Lilacs

Choose the most colorful plants

Lilacs, a beautiful shrub with undemanding scented flowers and perfect for all types of gardens. The ideal time for planting is spring, when this variety can take root and accumulate nutritional reserves before winter arrives.

I am fond of design and repairs for the last 4 years. For this, I managed to learn a lot of nuances of repair, which I want to share here. I also love to create and make collections of ideas for inspiration.
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