Modern offices 2022: +60 decoration and design ideas


The office is a work space, in which all its occupants have to enjoy comfort to be able to carry out the work in the best way, but on the other hand, it also has to have an environment that predisposes business or serving customers. Here we propose how to decorate modern offices, whether at home or not, taking into account all aspects.

Whether you’re considering transforming a room into an office or have a small nook into a living space that you can repurpose as a work area, spending a little time customizing your approach will go a long way.

Modern offices decoration and design ideas

Individual modern offices

Remember that the most important thing is that everyone feels comfortable to do their job. Therefore, when choosing, for example, the desk, think that it should be spacious, with few accessories, perhaps a good lamp and a sober-style vase at most.

individual modern offices
A trick to make the office warmer and not seem like an impersonal place is to equip it with natural elements such as a plant, or have a vase with natural flowers, a corner of creativity such as a cork board where you can jot down ideas, a wall painted with chalkboard paint, etc.

individual modern offices
individual modern offices
individual modern offices
individual modern offices
individual modern offices
individual modern offices
individual modern offices

Collective modern offices

Modern offices that promote creativity can make the difference between being one of the others and achieving success. We can give you some practical advice that can be of great help. We must bear in mind that a creative environment encourages people’s creativity.

Collective modern offices
Collective modern offices
It is generally believed that intelligence and youth influence the level of creativity of employees, but this is not always the case. An environment that stimulates creativity in people will enhance this characteristic in all company employees.

Collective modern offices


Every person knows when they are most creative and productive, and those are the times to make the most of it. We can find people who work better first thing in the morning than in the afternoon and, on the contrary, find people who are not there until mid-morning.



You have to leave some freedom in each person’s workspace, as each one has their own style. Gray colors for example are not the most suitable for creative spaces. The location of the office as well as the design and environment is important.



In an office, when laughter and some music are shared, the good atmosphere and the exchange of ideas are enhanced. It makes work more enjoyable, it is important to have complicity with the people you work with.


Meeting space

There should be an area where all employees can chat. The most comfortable is a table, where everyone present can see each other comfortably. A place where correct and justified arguments can be presented. It is not much use to say that something does not work when an alternative is not proposed or where it is failing is not indicated.

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meeting space

Lighting in modern offices

Another important thing is to play with the light, think that it cannot be too hot or too cold, or perhaps you can combine both. The warm light helps you relax, so it might not be recommended for first thing in the morning, but you can combine natural light with neon lights.

Lighting in modern offices


The next step to know how to decorate the office is to play with colors. Normally, offices are characterized by their small space, so if you want it to seem more spacious, you can paint the walls white and use pale-toned furniture, adding touches of color in accessories and decorations.


Creative modern offices

A relaxed, fun and differentiated environment enhances the talent of each individual. Google’s workplace design and décor are known for being fun. In these images we show you some Google offices around the world.

creative modern offices
The work offices in Milan, Madrid and Munich were designed by DEGW, a company that has designed several Fortune 500 offices. Google’s offices in Zurich were designed by the Swiss firm Camenzind Evolution.

creative modern offices
creative modern offices
creative modern offices
creative modern offices
creative modern offices
creative modern offices
creative modern offices
creative modern offices

Minimalist modern offices

Minimalism is very popular these days in practically all areas, and office decoration is no exception to this trend. It is precisely perhaps the place where style can be most productive, since it does not generate the distractions that a conventional office could generate.

Minimalist modern offices
Minimalist modern offices
Designers, for the most part, choose combinations of black and white, in order to create a sober atmosphere in the workplace.

Minimalist modern offices
Smooth surfaces, right angles, glass and natural materials help create the look. You can also add some bright colors, like pink, green, or red.

Minimalist modern offices
Small desks for laptops, elegant glass tables, or simple tables with one or two puffs. Minimalism gives solutions for saving space in a modern way.

Minimalist modern offices

Modern home offices

Every day it is more common to find out about people looking to work in an office from home, thus avoiding the need to have a fixed schedule, an outfit that they must necessarily wear, or much more important things, such as being able to be closer to the family and not having to leave the role of father or mother that they have.

modern home offices
But when we get it, it is important to keep certain tips in mind, to give a good image to the public, in case customers have to go home to make some arrangements.

Separate environment

It is vital, as far as possible, to try to make the home office accessible directly without having to cross spaces in the home, such as the living room or dining room. We would have to maintain order and cleanliness in too many spaces to give a good image and therefore it would give us more work.

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separate environment
It is important to note that for clients, the fact of having the office in their own home generates several prejudices. Many associate it with a lack of money or a lack of a job market. Or to the fact that you are a professional too burdened with the stress of the house and childcare and therefore you may not do your job as well.

separate environment
Given this, several things emerge, which are essential to take into account when designing the home office. First, that it is separated from the various environments of the home and, if possible, that it can be accessed avoiding common places of the family and children.

separate environment
It is worth clarifying that children should not interrupt the work. Neither the music or television in other bedrooms, must be heard from the office.

separate environment
All this can vary according to the branch that is dedicated, so, for more flexible cases, you could have the office in a visually separated space, but connected to the rest of the house.


What customers see will be critical. You can’t just have a room like that. Emphasis should be placed on every detail, so that whoever arrives feels that this is a serious and orderly place. Have a good, spacious desk, a computer, work with well marked and classified folders and of course, spend extra money on two or three high-level decorative elements, such as a work of art, a sculpture or flowers.

Abstract art is gaining more ground every day in office environments.


Having an office at home is something that is becoming more common every day for fathers and mothers, who must take care of their children and at the same time, continue with their work, since it is their source of money. This type of decision is very beneficial due to the amount of time that is saved, being able to attend to everything at the same time, but some things must also be considered, professionally speaking.

Light is synonymous with activity and movement, and therefore a good image in terms of the amount of work you have. It is never good to show a closed space, which hints that it is being opened especially for the arrival of a client, since even the smell of confinement is perceptible.



There are many possibilities, but a Nordic style is highly recommended, since it works with rustic aspects and modern aspects, using light colors, and a lot of distinction and demonstration of good taste. The chairs are elegant, but they also have an air of craftsmanship, and that is where one achieves the true conjunction of one’s own style, which without saying much, ends up giving the approval of the clients who arrive at the site for the first time, leaving with a good impression.

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Don’t skimp on space, design or technology. All these areas must be well covered, without exceeding, demonstrating the level of the office, the degree of distinction (it is highly advisable to place very stylish paintings), quality furniture, large and comfortable, as well as courtesy details towards the customer, such as chocolates or a coffee machine.


Accessories and decorations

The profession or trade will influence the decoration and arrangement of things. Of course, we should generally install a table or desk, including a shelf where we can keep everything that is papers and documents well organized.

Accessories and decorations
There could also be a display of materials or a small display of products, which can range from crafts to fruit candies.

Accessories and decorations
Wall papers, paintings, wallpapers or cork boards, where to put things of interest, never hurt. The fact of being at home implies that the need to give a good image to the client is much more important.

Accessories and decorations
For the environment, they add the paintings, the wood stove, a space with armchairs and of course, lots of natural light and good views from the windows.

Accessories and decorations
Of course, the glamor of the room should be in accordance with the need to serve people in it, because if it is only to have your own space and you do not have to deal with people, it would be best if it is a pleasant environment for you. That you have points on which to fix your eyes a thousand times a day and not get tired of seeing that image, such as a photo of a landscape or a trip you took or anything that inspires you.

Accessories and decorations

Comfort and order

Many times having a home office is a necessity. However, it can be a difficult task since you have to fulfill several requirements. For example, it must be a practical and comfortable room. It should also be a space that inspires you to work for hours at a time and then rest and enjoy your family.

comfort and order
Using shelves is a perfect option, it not only works as storage but also manages to clear the desk. An orderly place is essential to be able to concentrate.

comfort and order
If you must keep a lot of documents, it is good to use boxes and filing cabinets. However, it is very important to place labels to know what each box contains.

comfort and order
Having comfortable seats is also important since we are going to spend a lot of time in them. Decorate the room with a piece of art or painting to make it a cheerful space and not a dark corner.

comfort and order

I am fond of design and repairs for the last 4 years. For this, I managed to learn a lot of nuances of repair, which I want to share here. I also love to create and make collections of ideas for inspiration.
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