Bedroom decoration 2022: trends and 90+ photos


The bedroom is the place where you find yourself, you can relax, unwind, it is your resting space. Therefore, the better decorated and designed it is, the more you will enjoy it every moment you spend there. We show you below a large number of photos and ideas for decorating bedrooms , and some of the most important trends for this 2022.

Your room should be your personal oasis, a space where you can forget about every problem. Between the lights and the furniture, divert attention to concerns.

Bedroom decoration 2022 trends and photos
Here we will try to give a lot of room decoration ideas, to satisfy all needs and preferences. Surely, the current design trends will help to find options for all tastes.

Styles in room decoration


Although this aesthetic has been around since the post-World War II era, especially in Northern Europe, it has recently seen a sharp rise in popularity globally. Since the look is defined by clean lines and sleek minimalism, it’s not hard to see why so many people are incorporating Scandinavian style into their interiors.

In Scandinavian spaces, the goal is to keep things bright, light and airy.

To that end, the colors you choose should be toned down. Stick to pastel shades and use neutrals a lot. If you want to add a little more color, icy blues and dusty pink are particularly popular shades.

Scandinavian furniture features simple silhouettes, clean lines, and an emphasis on natural materials. Whenever possible, well-made handcrafted products should be chosen over mass-produced pieces.


Traditional decoration is calm, orderly and predictable, in which there is no chaos. The furniture is classic and may be old. Furniture and accessories are placed in pairs and are centered in the room.

In case you lean towards something classic, but with modern slips, you should focus on a large bed like those of before. Around it will revolve the rest of the furniture in the bedroom, as well as the lighting, the decorative elements and the color of the wall.

We recommend soft vanilla walls and good accent lighting. A plant can add a very subtle detail to the bedroom.

But there are also those who want something simple, although with detectable color combinations only for the most detailed. Look at the photo and you will understand. The metal details, yellow details of the cushions and the armchair and carpet in different shades of blue.

For this style, classic style furniture should be used, from the mid-20th century.


Vintage chic

Vintage describes a wide variety of styles that capture the look of decades past. Whether built in the past or created anew with design elements inspired by the past 30 to 100 years, the vintage style offers the opportunity to add elegant and unique distinction to the home.

Vintage chic
There are those who are inspired by older styles, such as Victorian, and make their bedroom a scene from a movie.

Vintage chic
With a majestic bed, the bedroom can become a place that sparks the imagination.

Vintage chic
Vintage interior design is old and elegant. It involves the use of old or artificially aged furniture and decor elements. Vintage mainly embraces natural materials: wood, more rarely stone and forged elements, natural fabrics. The interior should look like it was designed several decades ago.

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Vintage chic


Minimalist rooms also have their ground won when it comes to designing the bedroom. Its straight lines and the variety of light and soft colors often win over other contemporary trends.

Spaces free of unnecessary furniture and accessories look extremely attractive.



You can bring your fantasies home and not believe that they are unattainable. If you like the aesthetics of rustic forest houses, you can be inspired by them to decorate your bedroom, for example, cover a wall with old, worn-looking planks, and of course, use natural wood furniture.


Colors in bedroom decoration

For a long time, beige, white and cream have been the colors that are most used in bedroom decoration, for transmitting calm and for being eternally classic. It should be noted that in recent years, colors such as brown or dark gray, and even black have also been incorporated.


It is predicted that the gray color will continue to be one of the most used in these spaces, especially combined with white.

A room in darker grays also has its charm. The photo below shows it this way; a simple room, in shades of gray, with the brown color of the wood as the maximum expression of color.

To prove that dark rooms don’t have to be tacky, just take a look at this photo. The room is more than attractive and it is good not to forget that a room like this serves more as a meeting point with your partner, than a room with greater clarity.


Black and white

Another trend is the use of white with touches of black, a very dynamic and effective combination to achieve a modern bedroom.

black and white
black and white

Pastel tones

For 2022, pastel colors make a major comeback.

pastel tones
pastel tones
pastel tones

Dark green

The dark green color makes an important appearance, especially to incorporate it through details or why not, on the walls.

Dark green
Bedroom decoration is definitely something very personal, some people need a calm and relaxing atmosphere, which favors rest and sleep, and other people prefer a bright and energizing environment, which injects life every morning when they wake up.

Dark green


In its dark and calm tones, it is another color to consider for the bedroom.


Bright colors

The use of bright colors can be one of the options to achieve this goal. It is recommended that you use touches of vibrant color in small decorative details, such as cushions or the bedspread.

Bright colors
Bright colors
Bright colors
It can also encourage you to add color using the walls. One of the trends is to give color to only one of the walls of the room, keeping the rest white or pale neutral.

Natural and environmentally friendly materials

This is a trend that is growing, fortunately. Ecological materials are widely used by contemporary interior designers. For example, the use of brick or wood treated respecting nature. These materials are being used a lot on the walls, creating a very interesting rustic effect.

Natural and environmentally friendly materials
The use of natural fibers in rugs, decorations and bedspreads is also very important.

Natural and environmentally friendly materials

Upholstered headboards

This is another trend that is making a strong comeback in 2022. The headboards made of wood, which have dominated the market in recent years, will be left aside a bit to make way for soft and sophisticated backrests.

upholstered headboards
upholstered headboards
upholstered headboards
upholstered headboards

Ideas to decorate the walls behind the bed

Whether your bed has a headboard or not, the wall behind it is often the most important wall in the entire bedroom, and can become a decorative accent. For this reason, we present several ideas to decorate it. These ideas presented are an effective way to add interest, style and fun in some of the cases.

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Ideas to decorate the walls behind the bed
One way to enrich the wall behind our bed is to make a kind of collage with our favorite photos.

Ideas to decorate the walls behind the bed
Decorative wallpapers are also an effective way to add style to the walls of our bedroom.

Ideas to decorate the walls behind the bed
Painting a headboard in two or more colors can also be a successful way to turn it into a decorative accent.

Ideas to decorate the walls behind the bed
Felt headboards are another inexpensive option.

Ideas to decorate the walls behind the bed
Painting this wall a different color from the other walls in the room is another successful idea.

Ideas to decorate the walls behind the bed
The walls behind the bed in children’s bedrooms can become a true children’s story.

Ideas to decorate the walls behind the bed

Decoration of marriage bedrooms

Decorating a room for adults is not an easy task. It is important to take into account various parameters, including brightness, color of the walls and furniture, to create a pleasant atmosphere and gain comfort.


One of the best decorations for a marriage room is the romantic one. The most important element in this type of decoration is the choice of colors, whether for the walls, carpets, candles, etc.

The choice of color is crucial, since it gives meaning to the decoration of the room. The ideal would be to opt for pink or white tones. The white color is characterized by its freshness and clarity. Various shades of white can be used in order to create volume and depth.

The second important criterion for decorating a modern adult romantic bedroom is lighting. Good lighting that is both warm and tender, therefore candles are an excellent solution.



This is another of the great current trends, a cozy environment that promotes relaxation and provides an escape from the daily routine. Both the curtains, carpets, rugs and furniture must be placed in order to create harmony in the environment.

It is best to opt for plush and cotton fabrics. As for the curtains, choose models that are pleasant to the touch and with warm materials. And of course wood can help us.

The element that makes the difference in decorating a cozy bedroom is lighting. In order to have a warm and pleasant atmosphere, it is better to choose soft colors.


Zen decoration

Zen decoration is conducive to relaxation. Relaxation and comfort are the words that best describe this type of room. Good oxygenation must be offered, therefore freeing up space and creating storage places without leaving anything in disorder.

zen decoration
zen decoration
Choose trendy colors like white, blue or gray. These colors can bring real added value to your bedroom decor.

zen decoration
zen decoration

Colors according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, it is better to opt for cool colors on the walls, such as blue or gray. These colors are very fashionable and create a pleasant atmosphere.

Colors according to Feng Shui
Colors according to Feng Shui
Colors according to Feng Shui
Colors according to Feng Shui

Youth bedroom decoration

The teen’s room is a place of privacy for your child, sometimes alone and sometimes with friends. Decorating a teenage bedroom is not an easy task. Girls usually want to get out of that feminine atmosphere of pink, and other too childish tones. As for the boys, they leave the world of small cars to move towards a more rock or more industrial style, where they change from pastel blue to navy blue. The first idea is that the bedroom is to the taste of the teenager. This space must combine multiple functions, ranging from a living room, a place to sleep and to study.

Youth bedroom decoration


A teen’s bedroom typically requires three distinct spaces, one dedicated to work, one dedicated to rest, and one dedicated to relaxation.

The room should include a bed, a desk, and an area similar to a small living room. The beds with drawers or storage to deposit the books and other essential objects such as the bedside lamp.

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For small spaces, loft beds that house a dedicated space for work in the lower part are excellent and therefore will leave more free space. For larger rooms, different areas can be separated more easily.



For girls, different shades of white or pastels can be very appropriate.

For the boys, who naturally move towards an industrial style, black, brown and navy blue are very popular.


Hanging beds

One of the elements that has gained important ground in recent years in the area of bedroom decoration is undoubtedly the incorporation of hanging beds; since they can be seen in multiple proposals, some for children’s bedrooms, others in youth bedrooms and many others in double bedrooms.

hanging beds
They are an effective way to add interest and personality to bedrooms, regardless of their style, as these beds are extremely versatile.

hanging beds
And the best of all is that we can find them in an enormous variety of styles and materials, since they are presented to us both supported by thick and strong marine-type ropes or by means of thick iron link chains, among others.

hanging beds
They also allow playing in terms of layout, in shared rooms, since they can perfectly be incorporated like traditional bunks one on top of the other or in a simple way.

hanging beds
We can also opt for a false hanging bed, like the one we see below.

hanging beds

Bedroom decoration according to the season

Many people usually have the habit of changing some decorative details of their bedroom according to the season of the year. Obviously, the bedding has to change, when summer arrives, the warmest things are saved for the following winter, and we begin to use other types of quilts and materials. But these changes do not only apply to bedding, some accessories can also be adapted. Let’s see some ideas.

Autumn Winter

So that you can bring the peculiar spirit that characterizes autumn to your bedroom, we will show you some ideas that become one of the most effective ways to accompany the season and benefit from its main attractions, among which the attractive earth tones stand out, orange and yellow.

Autumn Winter
Without a doubt, it is one of the seasons that allows us to benefit from decorating with a greater diversity of textures, thus allowing us to add charm to our walls, furniture, beds and windows.

Autumn Winter
Pictures with autumn motifs are another of the great options that we find for this type of decoration, since they are a quick way and have a great presence in the decoration.

Autumn Winter
Those who instead prefer a more genuine spirit, can perfectly make works of art on their walls with the characteristic autumn leaves and their peculiar colors.

Autumn Winter
Autumn Winter

Spring Summer

Decorating bedrooms in this season is so easy that you just have to resort to moving the bedding and curtains. If you don’t want big expenses or you don’t have a major renovation planned, this is the best way to impose the color of the new season. Whether in the children’s room or the master bedroom, because everyone can benefit from color.

Spring Summer
We show you images of a summer collection in which color prevails, so that you can choose options for a summer season. The bedding is overflowing with color and originality, through its bold prints.

Spring Summer
And it’s so easy to add a colorful detail to any room from the bedding, that you only have to decide which pattern you like and which colors are the ones that motivate you the most, to forget the neutral colors of a long winter and face spring with overflowing originality.

Spring Summer

I am fond of design and repairs for the last 4 years. For this, I managed to learn a lot of nuances of repair, which I want to share here. I also love to create and make collections of ideas for inspiration.
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